Go white north to feel true warmth

Alexis O.

6/10/20242 min read

With the permission of my loved ones in the southern hemisphere, this post has nothing to do with geographical preferences towards northern regions. This post is about a phrase I heard on a cold night in Siberia during the Russian summer of 2010. While Moscow was engulfed in smoke from widespread fires, we were in the Altay Mountains in Siberia. Despite it being summer, snow appeared unexpectedly, much like an uninvited guest at a party. We spent unforgettable days amidst dreamlike landscapes filled with magical greenery, pristine lakes, and a sky that felt within arm's reach. Imagine the celestial dome at night; I had never felt the stars so close. And amidst the trembling cold wind, a friend said: what a paradox! You come to the North to feel true warmth. She was referring to the warmth of friendship, of sharing. And that's something I'll never forget. The journey was fueled more by vodka than wine, and when you embark on such an adventure with horses, hikes, tents, and campfires, spirits have a better place, and even for the sake of "disinfection," they are convenient. But when it comes to enjoying the moment or remembering it, then I prefer a good glass of white wine.

I know we are in complicated times; I choose to be happy and see the goodness of every place, of every culture, and idiosyncrasy. I say this because as paradoxical as it sounds, the best wine I've tasted in Russia is Ukrainian. Hopefully, we can soon reunite in our similarities, tolerating our differences. A toast to family gatherings, a toast to life, a toast with Protos Verdejo white, which is the wine that reminds me (because of its flavour similarity) of those unforgettable days in Altay.

Now, seize the moment to experience the taste of unforgettable memories. Treat yourself to a bottle of Protos Verdejo white wine and embark on a journey of flavours reminiscent of those magical days in Altay.

Cheers to creating new memories and savouring every sip!

Alexis O.

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